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We Care About You

As occusis, we want to give our customers the best shopping experience. That's why we believe that our store policies should be fair, open and transparent. Check out these policies below, contact us for your questions.

Store Policy

Customer service

If you want to contact our company in any case, you can report your suggestions and complaints to the e-mail addresses we check every day, using the information provided in the contact section. In addition, you can get information and support from our friends by calling them during working hours.

Privacy and Security Policy

The address, mobile phone and e-mail addresses you shared with us during the order will only be used to ensure that the information about your orders can reach you quickly and securely. Therefore, it is extremely important that this information is correct and complete.

All services provided in our store and, BÜYÜKESAT MAH. KOZA 1 CAD. SEV APT. NO: 153 INTERIOR DOOR
NO: 8 ÇANKAYA / ANKARA Occusis Bilişim Proje Danışmanlık ve Ticaret Şti. It belongs to our company and is operated by our company.

Our company may collect personal data for various purposes. It is stated below how and in what manner the collected personal data are collected, how and in what way these data are protected.

By filling in various forms and questionnaires on our Membership or Store, some personal information (such as name-surname, company information, telephone, address or e-mail addresses) of the members are collected by our store due to the nature of the business.

Our company may send campaign information, information about new products and promotional offers to its customers and members from time to time. Our members can make all kinds of choices about whether or not to receive such information while becoming a member, and after making a member login, this selection can be changed in the account information section or they can make a notification with the link in the notification message received.

During the approval process carried out through our store or by e-mail, personal information transmitted to our store electronically by our members will not be disclosed to third parties except for the purposes and scope specified in the "User Agreement" with our Members.

Our company records and uses the IP address of its members in order to identify problems related to the system and to quickly resolve problems or disputes that may arise regarding the service provided. IP addresses can also be used to identify users in general and to collect comprehensive demographic information.

Our company may use the requested information for direct marketing by itself or its collaborators, outside the purposes and scope specified in the Membership Agreement. Personal information can also be used to contact the user when necessary. Information requested by our company or information provided by the user or information about transactions made through our store; It can be used by our company and its collaborators in various statistical evaluations, database creation and market research without revealing the identity of our members, outside of the purposes and scope determined by the "Membership Agreement".

Our company, to keep confidential information strictly private and confidential, to consider it as a confidentiality obligation and to ensure and maintain confidentiality, to take all necessary measures and to take all necessary measures to prevent all or any part of confidential information from entering the public domain or unauthorized use or disclosure to a third party. is committed to show.


Our online store is protected by 128 bit SSL encryption system. The security of your personal information you have saved on our site is more important to us than anything else. Personal information (delivery addresses, phone numbers, e-mail addresses, etc.) you use while shopping from Occusis will not be shared with other institutions and organizations. The information that will enable you to log in easily and quickly is safely stored in our structure only during the order.

When you enter the process, there are two things you should pay attention to in order to understand that you are on a secure site. One of them is a key or lock symbol at the bottom line of your browser. This shows that you are on a secure internet page and all your information is encrypted and protected. This information is only used depending on the sales process and in the direction of your instructions. Information about the credit card used during shopping is encrypted with 128 bit SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) protocol, independent of our shopping sites, and sent to the relevant bank for query. If the card availability is approved can be sustained for shopping. Since no information about the card can be viewed and recorded by us, third parties are prevented from obtaining this information under any circumstances.

The reliability of payment / invoice / delivery address information of orders placed online by credit card is audited by our company against Credit Card Fraud. For this reason, the accuracy of financial and address / telephone information must first be confirmed in order for customers who place orders from our shopping sites for the first time to reach the supply and delivery stage. If necessary, the credit card holder customer or the relevant bank is contacted to check this information.

Only you can access and change all the information you provide while becoming a member. If you protect your login information securely, it is not possible for others to access and change information about you. For this purpose, during membership transactions, we act within the 128 bit SSL security area. This system is an international encryption standard that cannot be broken.

Internet shopping sites with an information line or customer service service and where full address and telephone information are specified are more preferred today. In this way, you can get detailed information about all the issues you have in mind, and you can get more reliable information about the reliability of the company providing online shopping service.

Note: We recommend that you pay attention to the company's full address and phone number on internet shopping sites. If you are going to shop, make a note of all the phone / address information of the store where you purchased the product before shopping. Confirm by phone before shopping if you do not trust. All information about our company and the location of the company are specified in all of our online shopping sites.


Your identity and credit card information that you send to us by credit card mail-order method will be kept by our company in accordance with the principle of confidentiality. This information is kept for 60 days against possible withdrawal objections from the credit card with the possible bank and then destroyed. In case of withdrawal of any amount other than the mail-order form approved by you for the price of the products you have ordered, you can naturally object to the bank and it does not pose a risk as you can prevent the payment of this amount.


Our store may link to other sites within the website. Our company does not bear any responsibility for the privacy practices and contents of the sites accessed through these links. The advertisements published on the site of our company are distributed to our users through our advertising business partners. The Privacy Policy Principles in this contract are only for the use of our Store and do not include third party websites.


In the limited circumstances stated below, our company may disclose the information of users to third parties other than the provisions of this "Privacy Policy". These cases are limited in number;

1. To comply with the obligations imposed by the Law, Decree Law, Regulation etc. and the legal rules issued by the competent legal authority;

2. In order to fulfill the requirements of the "Membership Agreement" and other agreements concluded by our store with users and to put them into practice;

3. Requesting information about users for the purpose of conducting a research or investigation duly carried out by the competent administrative and judicial authority;

4. When it is necessary to provide information to protect the rights or security of users.


Never write down your credit card number or passwords in the e-mails you send to our store's Customer Service regarding any of your orders. The information contained in the e-mails can be seen by third parties. Our company cannot guarantee the security of the information transferred from your e-mails under any circumstances.


Our company can obtain information about the users visiting our store and the use of the website by using a technical communication file (Cookie-Cookie). The mentioned technical communication files are small text files that a website sends to the user's browser to be stored in the main memory. The technical communication file facilitates the use of the Internet by storing the status and preferences about the site.

The technical communication file helps to obtain statistical information about how many people visit the site, for what purpose, how many times a person visits the site, and how long they stay on the site, and dynamically generate advertisements and content from user pages specially designed for users. The technical communication file is not designed to receive data or any other personal information from the main memory or your e-mail. Most of the browsers are originally designed to accept the technical communication file, but users can change the settings so that the technical communication file does not arrive or a warning is given when the technical communication file is sent.

Our company may change the provisions of this "Privacy Policy" at any time by posting on the site or sending e-mail to users or posting on the site. If the provisions of the Privacy Policy change, it becomes effective on the date of publication.

For all your questions and suggestions regarding our privacy policy, you can send an e-mail to the address ……………… .. You can reach our company's contact information below.

Company Title: Occusis Bilişim Proje Danışmanlık ve Ticaret Şti.

Address: Han Sokak 11/1 100. Yıl Çankaya Ankara


Tel: +90 (552) 886 11 55



This Agreement has been signed between the following parties within the framework of the terms and conditions stated below.

A. 'BUYER'; (hereinafter referred to as "BUYER" in the contract)

B. 'SELLER'; (hereinafter referred to as "SELLER" in the contract)

TITLE: Sukar Group Tic. Ltd. Şti.

ADDRESS: Han Sokak 11/1 100. Yıl Çankaya Ankara

By accepting this contract, the BUYER accepts in advance that if the contract subject confirms the order, it will be under the obligation to pay the price subject to the order and, if any, additional charges such as shipping fee, tax, and that it has been informed about it.


In the implementation and interpretation of this contract, the terms written below will refer to the written explanations.

MINISTER: The Minister of Customs and Trade,

MINISTRY: The Ministry of Customs and Trade,

LAW: Law No. 6502 on Consumer Protection,

REGULATION: Distance Contracts Regulation (Official Gazette: 27.11.2014 / 29188)

SERVICE: The subject of all kinds of consumer transactions other than providing goods that are made or committed to be made in return for a fee or benefit,

SELLER: The company that offers goods to the consumer within the scope of its commercial or professional activities or acts on behalf or account of the product,

BUYER: Real or legal person who acquires, uses or makes use of a good or service for commercial or non-professional purposes,

SITE: SELLER's website,

ORDERING PARTY: A real or legal person who requests a good or service through the website of the SELLER,


CONTRACT: This contract concluded between the SELLER and the BUYER,

GOODS: It refers to movable goods subject to shopping and software, sound, image and similar intangible goods prepared for use in electronic environment.


This Agreement regulates the rights and obligations of the parties in accordance with the provisions of the Law No. 6502 on the Protection of the Consumer and the Regulation on Distance Contracts regarding the sale and delivery of the product whose qualifications and sales price are specified below, which the BUYER has ordered electronically on the SELLER's website.

The prices listed and announced on the site are the sales price. The announced prices and promises are valid until they are updated and changed. The prices announced periodically are valid until the end of the specified period.


Title: Occusis Bilişim Proje Danışmanlık ve Ticaret Şti.

Address: Han Sokak 11/1 100. Yıl Çankaya Ankara

Phone: +90 (552) 886 11 55



Person to be delivered

Delivery address



Email / username


Name / Surname / Title




Email / username


1. The basic features (type, quantity, brand / model, color, number) of the good / product / product / service are published on the website of the SELLER. If the campaign has been organized by the seller, you can review the basic features of the relevant product during the campaign. It is valid until the campaign date.

7.2. The prices listed and announced on the site are the sales price. The announced prices and promises are valid until they are updated and changed. The prices announced periodically are valid until the end of the specified period.

7.3. The sales price of the goods or services subject to the contract, including all taxes, is shown below.

Product Description Quantity Unit Price Sub Total

(VAT included)

Cargo Amount


Payment Method and Plan

Delivery address

Person to be delivered

Billing address

Order date

Delivery date

Delivery method

7.4. The shipping fee, which is the shipping cost of the product, will be paid by the BUYER.


Name / Surname / Title




Email / username

Invoice delivery: During invoice order delivery, together with the order to the invoice address

It will be delivered.


9.1. The BUYER accepts, declares and undertakes that he / she has read the preliminary information about the basic characteristics, sales price and payment method and delivery of the product subject to the contract on the website of the SELLER and gives the necessary confirmation in electronic environment. BUYER's; Confirming the preliminary information electronically, before the establishment of the distance sales contract, the address to be given to the BUYER by the SELLER, the basic features of the products ordered, the price of the products including taxes, and the payment and delivery information are accepted, declared and committed. .

9.2. Each product subject to the contract is delivered to the person and / or organization at the address indicated by the BUYER or BUYER within the period specified in the preliminary information section on the website, depending on the distance of the BUYER's settlement, provided that it does not exceed the legal period of 30 days. If the product cannot be delivered to the BUYER within this period, the BUYER reserves the right to terminate the contract.

9.3. The SELLER shall deliver the product subject to the contract in full, in accordance with the specifications specified in the order and with the information and documents required by the work, if any, the warranty documents, user manuals, and to perform the work within the principles of integrity and honesty in accordance with the requirements of the legal legislation without any defects. to protect and increase the service quality, to show the necessary attention and care during the performance of the work, to act with prudence and foresight.

9.4. The SELLER may supply a different product of equal quality and price by informing the BUYER and obtaining its explicit approval before the contractual performance obligation expires.

9.5. If the SELLER fails to fulfill the contractual obligations in case the fulfillment of the product or service subject to the order becomes impossible, the SELLER accepts, declares and undertakes that it will notify the consumer in writing within 3 days from the date of learning and return the total price to the BUYER within 14 days.

9.6. The BUYER agrees, declares and undertakes that it will confirm this Agreement electronically for the delivery of the contractual product, and if the contractual product price is not paid for any reason and / or is canceled in the bank records, the SELLER's obligation to deliver the contractual product will end.

9.7. BUYER, if the price of the product subject to the contract is not paid to the SELLER by the relevant bank or financial institution as a result of the unauthorized use of the credit card belonging to the BUYER after the delivery of the product subject to the contract to the person and / or organization at the address indicated by the BUYER or the BUYER, It accepts, declares and undertakes that it will return it to the SELLER within 3 days, shipping costs to be borne by the SELLER.

9.8. The SELLER accepts, declares and undertakes that it will notify the BUYER if it cannot deliver the product subject to the contract within the period due to force majeure situations such as the occurrence of unforeseen and unpredictable situations that prevent and / or delay the fulfillment of the debts of the parties. The BUYER also has the right to demand from the SELLER to cancel the order, replace the product subject to the contract with a precedent, and / or postpone the delivery period until the obstacle is eliminated. If the order is canceled by the BUYER, the amount of the product will be paid to the BUYER in cash and in lump sum within 14 days. In the payments made by the BUYER by credit card, the product amount is returned to the relevant bank within 14 days after the order is canceled by the BUYER. BUYER, the average process of reflecting the amount returned to the credit card by the SELLER to the BUYER account by the bank may take 2 to 3 weeks, since the reflection of this amount to the BUYER's accounts after the return to the bank is entirely related to the bank transaction process, the BUYER shall inform the SELLER for possible delays. It accepts, declares and undertakes that it cannot be held responsible.

9.9. SELLER'S address, e-mail address, fixed and mobile phone lines and other contact information specified by the BUYER in the registration form on the site or later updated by the SELLER, by letter, e-mail, SMS, phone call and other means of communication, marketing, notification and has the right to reach the BUYER for other purposes. By accepting this contract, the BUYER accepts and declares that the SELLER may engage in the above mentioned communication activities.

9.10. The BUYER will inspect the contractual goods / service before receiving it; crushed, broken, torn package, etc. will not receive the damaged and defective goods / services from the cargo company. The delivered goods / services will be deemed to be undamaged and intact. Careful protection of the goods / services after delivery belongs to the BUYER. If the right of withdrawal is to be used, the goods / services should not be used. The invoice must be returned.

9.11. If the credit card holder used during the order is not the same person, or if a security deficit is detected in the credit card used in the order before the product is delivered to the BUYER, the SELLER shall provide the identity and contact information of the credit card holder, the previous month's statement of the credit card used in the order. or request from the BUYER to submit a letter from the cardholder's bank stating that the credit card belongs to him. The order will be frozen until the BUYER provides the information / documents subject to the request, and if the aforementioned requests are not met within 24 hours, the SELLER has the right to cancel the order.

9.12. The BUYER declares and undertakes that the personal and other information given while signing up to the website of the SELLER is in accordance with the truth, and that the SELLER will compensate all damages that the SELLER may incur due to the inaccuracy of this information, immediately, in cash and at once upon the first notification of the SELLER.

9.13. The BUYER accepts and undertakes to comply with the provisions of the legal legislation and not to violate them while using the website of the SELLER. Otherwise, all legal and penal obligations that may arise will bind the BUYER completely and exclusively.

9.14. The BUYER cannot use the website of the SELLER in a way that disrupts public order, violates general morality, disturbs and harasses others, for an illegal purpose, infringing on the material and moral rights of others. In addition, it cannot be involved in activities (spam, virus, trojan horse, etc.) that prevent or make it difficult for other members to use the services.

9.15. On the website of the SELLER, links may be given to other websites and / or other content that are not under the control of the SELLER and / or owned and / or operated by other third parties. These links are provided for ease of orientation to the BUYER and do not support any website or the person operating the site and do not constitute any guarantee for the information contained in the linked website.

9.16. The member who violates one or more of the articles listed in this contract will be personally and criminally responsible for this violation and will keep the SELLER free from the legal and criminal consequences of these violations. Also; In the event that the event is referred to the legal field due to this violation, the SELLER reserves the right to claim compensation against the member for non-compliance with the membership agreement.


10.1. RECEIVER; In case the distance contract is related to the sale of goods, the product may use the right to withdraw from the contract by refusing the goods without any legal or criminal liability and without any justification, provided that the SELLER is notified within 14 (fourteen) days from the delivery date to the person / organization at the address indicated. In distant contracts for service provision, this period starts from the date the contract is signed. Before the expiry of the right of withdrawal, the right of withdrawal cannot be exercised in the service contracts that are initiated with the approval of the consumer. The costs arising from the use of the right of withdrawal belong to the SELLER. The BUYER accepts in advance that he has been informed about the right of withdrawal by accepting this contract.

10.2. In order to use the right of withdrawal, a written notification must be made to the SELLER by registered mail, fax or e-mail within 14 (fourteen) days and the product must not be used within the framework of the provisions of "Products for which the Right of Withdrawal cannot be exercised" set forth in this contract. If this right is exercised,

a) The invoice of the product delivered to the 3rd person or to the BUYER (If the invoice of the product to be returned is corporate, it must be sent with the return invoice issued by the institution when returning. Order returns whose invoices are issued on behalf of the institutions will not be completed unless the RETURN INVOICE is issued.)

b) Return form,

c) The products to be returned must be delivered complete and undamaged, together with the box, packaging and standard accessories, if any.

d) The SELLER is obliged to return the total price and the documents that put the BUYER under debt within 10 days from the receipt of the withdrawal notification to the BUYER and to return the goods within 20 days.

e) If there is a decrease in the value of the goods due to a reason caused by the BUYER's fault or if the return becomes impossible, the BUYER is obliged to compensate the damages of the SELLER at the rate of his fault. However, the BUYER is not responsible for the changes and deteriorations that occur due to the proper use of the product or product within the period of withdrawal.

f) If the campaign limit amount set by the SELLER is decreased due to the use of the right of withdrawal, the discount amount used within the scope of the campaign is canceled.


The goods that are prepared in line with the BUYER's request or explicitly personal needs and that are not suitable for return, underwear bottom pieces, swimwear and bikini bottoms, make-up materials, disposable products, goods that are in danger of deterioration or that may expire, will be delivered to the BUYER. Products that are not suitable for health and hygiene if the package is opened by the PURCHASER after the delivery, products that are mixed with other products after delivery and cannot be separated by nature, Goods related to periodicals such as newspapers and magazines, except those provided under the subscription agreement, Immediate performance in electronic environment The return of the services provided or the intangible goods delivered to the consumer immediately, as well as audio or video recordings, books, digital content, software programs, data recording and data storage devices, computer consumables, packaging is not possible according to the Regulation. . In addition, before the expiration of the right of withdrawal, it is not possible to use the right of withdrawal regarding the services started with the consent of the consumer.

Cosmetics and personal care products, underwear products, swimwear, bikinis, books, reproducible software and programs, DVD, VCD, CD and cassettes and stationery consumables (toner, cartridge, tape, etc.) and they must not be used.


The PURCHASER agrees, declares and undertakes that if he defaults in the case of payment by credit card, the cardholder will pay interest within the framework of the credit card agreement with the bank and be liable to the bank. In this case, the relevant bank may apply for legal remedies; The BUYER accepts, declares and undertakes that if the BUYER goes into default due to his debt, the BUYER will pay the loss and damage of the SELLER due to the delayed performance of the debt.


Complaints and objections in disputes arising from this contract will be made to the arbitral tribunal or the consumer court in the place where the consumer is located or where the consumer transaction is made within the monetary limits specified in the following law. Information on the monetary limit is below:

The value for applications to be made to consumer arbitration committees for 2017, effective from 01/01/2017:

a) District consumer arbitration committees in disputes under 2.400 (two thousand four hundred) Turkish Lira,

b) Provincial consumer arbitration committees in disputes between 2,400 (two thousand four hundred) Turkish Liras and 3,610 (three thousand six hundred ten) Turkish Liras in provinces with metropolitan status,

c) Provincial consumer arbitration committees in disputes under 3.610 (three thousand six hundred and ten) Turkish Liras in the centers of provinces that are not in metropolitan status,

ç) Provincial consumer arbitration committees have been assigned in the disputes between 2,400 (two thousand four hundred) Turkish Liras and 3,610 (three thousand six hundred ten) Turkish Liras in the districts of the provinces that do not have metropolitan status.

This Agreement is made for commercial purposes.


When the BUYER pays for the order placed on the Site, it is deemed to have accepted all the terms of this contract. The SELLER is obliged to make the necessary software arrangements to obtain confirmation that this contract has been read and accepted by the BUYER before the order is realized.

SELLER: Occusis Bilişim Proje Danışmanlık ve Ticaret Şti.



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